DIY Fall Candle Holders (Pinterest DIYs #2)

Hi everyone we’re back!! We took a little break from blogging after October ended, but now we’re back with lots of Fall, Thanksgiving, and Christmas posts planned! Today’s post is a DIY that’s inspired by a pretty popular pin on Pinterest — a Fall leaf candle holder!

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DIY Insect Faux Taxidermy

I know with every DIY post we say something like “this is our favorite, cheapest, most simple DIY yet!”. But it’s actually true for this one! It’s a gorgeous DIY that’s perfect for Halloween, but it can also be a great decoration for any time of the year! There are only two simple steps to make it, and it costs about $2 to make!

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$1 DIY Skull Planter

Here’s one of our favorite DIYs we’ve done this season! A skull planter that is so easy, and only costs $1 to make! Plus the cost of your plant, of course. And paint, but we’re just assuming that you have some kind of paint in your house. So just $1! You also don’t have to use this as a planter! You can keep makeup brushes, pens and pencils, or whatever in it!

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DIY Halloween Bat Wreath

We missed posting for blogtober this weekend, but now we’re back!

It’s time for another Halloween DIY! This time we made a Halloween wreath that is shaped like a bat. This DIY is so simple, but looks really cute! Here are the instructions on how to make one for yourself!

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DIY No-Carve Unicorn Pumpkin

One of the best Fall activities is decorating pumpkins!! But carving them is hard (and sometimes dangerous! 😯), and we have a lot of styrofoam pumpkins from the Dollar Tree to decorate. So we thought we’d share some tutorials for the no carve pumpkins we’ve decorated this year. First up, a unicorn pumpkin!

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DIY Spiderflakes (from The Nightmares Before Christmas)

The Nightmare Before Christmas is our favorite Halloween/Christmas movie! We love to find decorations from the movie, but we haven’t been able to find that many. The solution? We’ll make our own! Recently we made the paper snowflakes like Jack Skellington made in the movie, and we thought we’d share the process with you guys!

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